Disney New Disney+ TOS can force ads on "ad-free" subscribers, but that's not the worst part Thom Dunn
News Wired co-founder Kevin Kelly unveils 73 nuggets of wisdom for a life well-lived Mark Frauenfelder
censorship Alien's iconic facehugger design and the cute little sketch that started it all Mark Frauenfelder
History English commoners' rights come from The Charter of the Forest, not the Magna Carta Elías Villoro
the mountain goats New podcast combines up two loves: The Mountain Goats and Magic: The Gathering Jennifer Sandlin
retro gaming Read this excellent article about the making of Zork, the iconic 1977 text adventure Mark Frauenfelder
micronations In 1948 James T. Mangan declared the entire universe to be a country under his protection Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids Queen ends sham marriage, JonBenet's devil cult, and killer vending machines in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan