foia FOIA request reveals rare photographs of that Wu-Tang Clan album bought by Martin Shkreli Thom Dunn
News Leaked FBI documents reveal secret rules for spying on journalists with National Security Letters Trevor Timm
Business Big Potato under fire: how 4 suppliers raised prices in suspicious lockstep Ellsworth Toohey
UFOs Canada defense department reveals details of UFO shot down by fighter jet over Lake Huron Allan Rose Hill
mistakes Canadian authorities hope that releasing low-quality photocopy of Yukon UFO photo will make people less interested in seeing the real thing Rob Beschizza
Not giving a hoot Black mold, flies and roaches, rancid smells: No wonder Boar's Head caused a listeria outbreak! Carla Sinclair
politics Breitbart's unhinged "Civil War" reviewer dreams of a President who "shoots journalists on sight" Yoy Luadha
conspiracy theory The 2024 Santa Monica Film Festival was chock full of red-pilled conspiracy content Jennifer Sandlin
vladimir putin New Age conspiracy theorist praises Putin and Tucker Carlson's charge against the Satanic Cabal Jennifer Sandlin
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Conservative PAC, tied to anti-vaccine misinformation, spent $7 million on a RFK Jr. Super Bowl ad Jennifer Sandlin
tabloids Covid cover-up, UFO cover-up, and Trump's sadistic sex tapes in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan