"sad day for democracy" Rep. explains why two lawmakers were expelled from Tennessee House: "They are 2 young Black men" Carla Sinclair
books Tears of the Trufflepig is a head-shakingly brilliant novel about contraband animals, Mexico and a labyrinthine conspiracy Elías Villoro
death Laurie Anderson on choosing optimism in the midst of "apocalyptic pornography" Jennifer Sandlin
human rights No Más Bebés: a documentary about forced sterilizations of women of color in California Elías Villoro
movies Return to Dreamland with the superstars of John Waters' films this weekend in Baltimore David Pescovitz
politics His lockdown parties exposed and his staff quitting en-masse, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson sings "I Will Survive" to new hire Rob Beschizza
art Alejandro Jodorowsky's Dune, the holy grail storyboard book of Moebius's drawings for the unmade 1970s epic, goes up for auction David Pescovitz