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Boing Boing Gadgets Wanna learn a language? Now's the time because StackSocial dropped the price of a Babbel lifetime subscription Boing Boing's Shop
Culture Spotify uses ghost artists to "shape listening behavior" and avoid paying real ones Rob Beschizza
Boing Boing Gadgets You don't want to be known as the 'bad American traveler,' so learn the language! Boing Boing's Shop
christian heritage sites The most incredible sculpture I've ever seen: The Chronicle of Georgia Natalie Dressed
Entertainment Homemade Go-Kart Suitcase: hated by airports, hilarious on the YouTube Jason Weisberger
Games Choose your Mario Kart build with this polished interactive illustration of the Pareto frontier Rob Beschizza
fun "This site will self-destruct" finally self-destructs after no-one signs guestbook for 24 hours Rob Beschizza