governors for anti-freedoms Watch: Tough guy Ron DeSantis says Disney "crossed the line" Carla Sinclair
crime Kentucky Sheriff who killed judge plans to retire; footage of shooting shown in court Rob Beschizza
Republicans against trump B'Bye Trump! Many in GOP — including former Trump staffers — join "Republicans for Harris" Carla Sinclair
Aftermath Lincoln Project shows us America's grim future if Donald Trump gets a 2nd term (video) Carla Sinclair
doing lunch Harris-Newsom 2024? Biden meets VP for lunch today, followed by face-to-face with Gov. Newsom Carla Sinclair
music In 1964, two teens complained about "obscene" "Louie, Louie" lyrics to Indiana governor — 50 years later a reporter tracked them down and asked why Mark Frauenfelder
privacy Apple now requires a court order before it lets cops see your push notifications Rob Beschizza
world records Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise turned 191 years old, and has set a record as the World's Oldest Living Land Animal Jennifer Sandlin
gop GOP Senator calls for criminal action against journalist over MAGA dictatorship article Mark Frauenfelder
politics Why was Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders' fancy $19,000 lectern put on a government credit card? Rob Beschizza
dog eat dog races Chris Christie goes for Trump's jugular at live event, and it sure is satisfying (video) Carla Sinclair