Delightful Creatures Goat keeps escaping pen, so confused human sets up a camera and sees this (video) Carla Sinclair
Delightful Creatures When this octopus sees a threat it doesn't put up a fight – it just disappears Carla Sinclair
great escapes Amazing chase: Florida man escapes police with stolen cop car, crashes, steals second cop car Carla Sinclair
great escapes Watch this large fish escape from a bucket and flop its way to freedom Mark Frauenfelder
law 13 year old brother uses slingshot to defend 8-year-old sister from would-be kidnapper Rob Beschizza
escapes Bear escapes from zoo enclosure – 2nd time this month – forcing guests to move indoors Carla Sinclair
animals A small leopard escaped the Dallas Zoo this morning, and she is still missing [Update: Found! Safe and sound] Carla Sinclair
travel A woman sold fake travel packages and used the money to take a European vacation Carla Sinclair
This is (allegedly) the original Star Wars Episode IX plot by Colin Trevorrow and Derek Connolly David Pescovitz