gun control Gun-toting Florida mom shot in the back by her 4-year-old may go to jail for 180 days Jason Weisberger
florida Florida killer clown who murdered husband's then-wife completes her 18-month prison term Rob Beschizza
Political Scandals MAGA judge Michele Fiore convicted of stealing $70k from fallen cop's memorial fund for plastic surgery and daughter's wedding Mark Frauenfelder
Robert Anton Wilson "A Ugandan hunter is tranquilizing gorillas and dressing them in clown suits" — the origins of a crazy story that lives on Mark Frauenfelder
guns Eugene the M16 is a "Cute, Squishy, Tactical Japanese Kawaii Style Assault Rifle" Jennifer Sandlin
tabloids JFK's second gunman, and alien life on Earth, exposed in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Postmodern Jukebox Watch this Roy Orbison-esque version of the Pixies' "Where is My Mind?" Jennifer Sandlin
U.S. military secrets Teenager shares info about Pentagon leaker — both were members of small Discord group Carla Sinclair
movies We might be getting that long-rumored Captain Planet movie from Leonardo DiCaprio after all Devin Nealy
GQP Arizona MAGA man running for college board caught in front of preschool masturbating to porn Carla Sinclair
GQP Pennsylvania Christian fascist regales an audience with tales of ignoring her constituents Jason Weisberger