politics Cowardice: Gutless House Republicans retract copyright paper in less than 24 hours Cory Doctorow
friendless buffoons Fox host Bret Baier belittles Donald Trump with a list of the "best people" in 2016 who turned against him Carla Sinclair
tabloids Kurt Cobain murdered (and World War 3 starts again) in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Democrats Elizabeth Warren proposes holding execs criminally liable for scams and data breaches Cory Doctorow
timemachine This Day in Blogging History: GOP retracts sensible copyright paper; Rucker's early cyberpunk history; Domo-Kun phone Cory Doctorow
canada Montreal comp sci student reports massive bug, is expelled and threatened with arrest for checking to see if it had been fixed Cory Doctorow
law Map of US police departments' policies on tracking cell-phone use without a warrant Cory Doctorow