music Freak storm, with hail the size of tennis balls, hospitalizes 7 attending Colorado concert Ruben Bolling
Delightful Creatures California bears routine check-ins on humanity are leaving them unimpressed (video) Jason Weisberger
daring videos Watch this ice queen lift a weight made from ice in a painfully cold looking pool of water Popkin
deaths Freak hailstorm in Italy causes river of ice to roar down the main boulevard, injuring 100 Mark Frauenfelder
climate change Hail the size of baseballs smash through car window in Canada with passengers inside (video) Carla Sinclair
broken seasons Hey climate-change deniers! Mexico City had a white winter day – in the middle of June (video) Carla Sinclair
climate change Here are 36 cities that will be the first to be submerged as global water levels continue to rise Jennifer Sandlin
scorpions Deadly scorpions invade homes, sending over 500 people to the hospital in Egypt Carla Sinclair
weather Watch this harrowing video of a tornado crossing the highway right in front of a woman's car David Pescovitz
tropical storms Watch: Diners have a grand old time eating while wet at a flooded cafe in Thailand Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets Paintstorm Studio is a godsend for digital painters, and it's on sale for $15 Boing Boing's Shop
inclement weather Freak hail storms blow out car windows, blast through home roofs in Texas and Oklahoma Carla Sinclair