handsy hockenberry Disgraced radio host publishes 7000-word pity piece about himself in Harper's Rob Beschizza
music Second lawsuit accuses Sean 'Diddy' Combs of sexual assault (Update: and now there's a third) Rob Beschizza
Republicans Boebert's ex somehow inserts himself into the Congressperson's public groping of another man Jason Weisberger
Republicans After fondling a penis in public, Congressperson Boebert is invited to speak at a GOP youth conference Jason Weisberger
star trek Harlan Ellison auction includes the world's most (in)famous "Star Trek" photo Mark Frauenfelder
law Oklahoma City pastor charged after man claims to see him fondling kids at bus stop and chases him down Rob Beschizza
police brutality George Floyd bodycams show abusive, gun-toting cops goading him and refusing to give reason for arrest Rob Beschizza
uk UK Tory aides are circulating a list of accused sexual predators and harassers in Parliament Cory Doctorow
politics Republican candidate Greg Gianforte attacks reporter during interview (Updated: he's been charged with assault) Rob Beschizza