Disney Marvel's fake meta-musical becomes a real one for Disney's California Adventure Rusty Blazenhoff
Comic Books Listen: "My Life As A Weapon" is a power pop anthem about ADHD and Hawkeye from the Avengers Thom Dunn
bad liars Trump weasels out of an Iowa stop with an obvious lie — and it's mocked by Biden Truth Social post (video) Carla Sinclair
Entertainment Disneyland premieres "Rogers: the Musical," a live musical about Captain America Ruben Bolling
Comics "The Marvel Art Of…" series features legendary artists like David Mack and Alex Maleev Gareth Branwyn
Marvel cinematic universe Jon Bernthal to return as the Punisher for Daredevil: Born Again Devin Nealy
Boing Boing Gadgets You can get 5 of these best selling apps for over 90% off their regular price Boing Boing's Shop
Comics The Mountain Goats have a new song about Marvel Comics with possibly the longest title ever Thom Dunn