Santa gonna fuck Hanukah's shit up Congressional candidate completely misunderstands "The Hebrew Hammer" Jason Weisberger
israel Mossad stalked and intimidated ICC prosecutor in effort to avoid Israel war crime charges Natalie Dressed
politics Lauren Boebert delivers a self-serving Bible lesson to defend her bad behavior (video) Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Shop Give the gift of learning this Valentine's Day with this Rosetta Stone-StackSkills bundle Boing Boing's Shop
music Johnny Mathis sings Kol Nidre, the beautiful and haunting Jewish declaration for Yom Kippur David Pescovitz
US Secret service Latest in an endless stream of disgusting Secret Service behavior: agent sent home after allegedly assaulting woman in Jerusalem Mark Frauenfelder
legal Einstein's "extremely aggressive and litigious" estate makes $12.5m a year in image licensing fees Mark Frauenfelder
gadgets Flight returns to terminal after someone AirDrops plane crash pictures to all aboard Rob Beschizza
star trek Live long and prosper. Live long and prosper. Live long and prosper. Live long and prosper, etc. David Pescovitz