News Huckabee-Sanders is about to hunt for a lamb to sacrifice in her LecternGate fiasco Mark Frauenfelder
superheroes Watch the first trailer for the new Toxic Avenger reboot starring Peter Dinklage Thom Dunn
cereal Kellogg's is releasing Green Onion-flavored Chex, and the commercial is absolutely bonkers Thom Dunn
Concentrated masculinity Unboxing video of a phone that's as hideously ugly as it is expensive Mark Frauenfelder
Harvey Weinstein Harvey Weinstein hired a team of ex-Mossad spies to discredit actresses and journalists Mark Frauenfelder
NYPD detective on Joint Terrorism Task Force abuses Uber driver with xenophobic rant (UPDATED) Mark Frauenfelder
happy mutants Time-traveling designer produces 1970s ads for MP3 player, laptop, mobile phone & gameboy Cory Doctorow
human rights UPDATED: Danish human rights activist arrested in Bahrain, faces torture: will Danish foreign minister intervene? Cory Doctorow
Business Understanding McDonald's as a commodities broker with a restaurant sideline: the McRib Cory Doctorow