michigan Dutch bicycling marching band debuts in the U.S. with spectacular festival performances Rusty Blazenhoff
Science Yes, humans are capable of creating a happy and successful liberal society: The Netherlands Maureen Herman
Entertainment RIP David Lynch, visionary director who brought surrealism to the mainstream Boing Boing
emphysema David Lynch says his days of directing are over — loves smoking, "but in the end, it bit me" Carla Sinclair
1950s Man hilariously reacts to gelatin-forward vintage recipes like "spinach and sardine mold" Jennifer Sandlin
flights Track the carbon footprint of jet-set celebrities like Elon Musk and Kim Kardashian Rob Beschizza
john darnielle John Darnielle's Devil House nominated for 2023 Edgar Allan Poe Award for "Best Novel" Jennifer Sandlin
music Angelo Badalamenti (RIP) explains how he came up with Laura Palmer's Theme from Twin Peaks (video) David Pescovitz