katie porter Katie Porter reading "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" during the Speaker voting debacle Jennifer Sandlin
big pharma With handy construction paper visuals, Rep. Katie Porter eviscerates big pharma CEO over industry's lies Gareth Branwyn
congress Rep. Katie Porter kindly offers to remove the oil industry's tax exemptions Jason Weisberger
politics 'If you're full of bullshit, I'm coming for you.' Katie Porter (D-CA) to Samantha Bee, on why she's in GOPs' nightmares Xeni Jardin
finance Rep Katie Porter: an Elizabeth Warren protege and single mom who destroys bumbling, mediocre rich guys in Congressional hearings Cory Doctorow
buzzfeed BuzzFeed News shares oral history on its last day, from people who worked there Rusty Blazenhoff
pride The New York Times called out for editorial bias about transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people by its own writers Jason Weisberger
california Adam Schiff joins the race for California's Senate seat; Senator Feinstein still on the fence Jason Weisberger
california Katie Porter is running for US Senate in 2024 regardless of what Diane Feinstein does Jason Weisberger
congress Rep. Katie Porter describes the case of Trump-era bribery her committee has referred to the DOJ for criminal prosecution Jason Weisberger