viral videos "Can I pet dat dawg?" Little girl's viral bear encounter turned into musical hit Mark Frauenfelder
fairy tales Televangelist Kenneth Copeland says school shootings are the fault of "one demon-possessed woman" in 1963 Mark Frauenfelder
Welcome to Gilead Kenneth Copeland's Christofacist "Watchman Decree" is straight out of The Handmaid's Tale Mark Frauenfelder
humble servants of god Televangelist Kenneth Copeland, worth over $750 million, doesn't pay property tax on his $7 million home: it's a "clergy residence" Mark Frauenfelder
jes plain folks Watching these 2 megapreachers defend their private jets is a more effective emetic than syrup of ipecac Mark Frauenfelder
Weird Trump's Prosperity Gospel backers say Jesus makes you rich, cures Ebola, resurrects chickens Xeni Jardin