Entertainment How Uruguay's answer to The Beatles shaped Latin American rock in the 1960s Ellsworth Toohey
mschf Art collective MSCHF re-stocks its WD-40 cologne and adds a new scent to its collection–"Smells like Fabuloso" Jennifer Sandlin
politics Comedians aren't constrained by cancel culture; they are freer today than ever Ruben Bolling
texas Celebrate Banned Books Week (October 1-7) with Harris County Public Library, which was recently declared a "book sanctuary" Jennifer Sandlin
tabloids Melania Trump's smoking gun, and Mitch McConnell's short-circuiting brain, in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Half a century of Los Lobos del Este de Los Angeles: "Just another band from East L.A." Elías Villoro
History Why We Fight was a 2006 documentary on the logic of America's endless parade of pointless wars Elías Villoro
halloween Forget drugs in candy — Halloween is a day of ritual sacrifice for the cult of the automobile Thom Dunn
free speech An actual thoughtful discussion about what "cancel culture" does and doesn't mean Thom Dunn
human rights No Más Bebés: a documentary about forced sterilizations of women of color in California Elías Villoro
voter registration Los Angeles: Latino, Tex-Mex, and Tejano artists join forces to benefit voter registration in Texas Jason Weisberger