white house Was Melania's WH tennis pavilion based on the one from The Beverly Hillbillies? Gareth Branwyn
let them eat cake Ivanka tells 18 million out-of-work Americans: "Find something new!" Carla Sinclair
late stage capitalism After unsuccessful legislative reform, German radicals defy the law to dumpster-dive at grocery stores Cory Doctorow
let them eat cake Passenger confronts Republican Congressman sitting in first class on plane during government shutdown Carla Sinclair
let them eat cake Steven Mnuchin and Louise Linton may have used a government plane to watch the eclipse Mark Frauenfelder
let them eat cake Steven Mnuchin's wife makes fun of Instagram followers for not being as rich as she is Mark Frauenfelder
class war "Nothing in life is truly free" -Billionaire heiress Betsy Devos, explaining to Bernie Sanders why your kids won't get free college tuition Cory Doctorow
world records Guinness World Records refuses to recognize youngster's record-breaking gymnastic hang Rob Beschizza
It's easy to trick Chevrolet's AI chatbot into selling you a car for a dollar—but don't expect them to honor the deal Rob Beschizza
animals Have you ever seen a hamster transform into an astronaut? Here's your chance! Jennifer Sandlin