surveillance Neighborhood associations are installing license plate readers to privately police who drives on their streets Thom Dunn
security HACKED: Perceptics, license plate reader provider for US Border Patrol at Mexico border Xeni Jardin
surveillance Hundreds of city police license plate cams are insecure and can be watched by anyone Cory Doctorow
maryland Thousands of patriotic Maryland license plates unwittingly point to Philippine gambling site Rusty Blazenhoff
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happy mutants William Gibson, danah boyd and Oakland Privacy will all receive this year's EFF's Pioneer Award Cory Doctorow
corruption Leaks reveal that disgraced, hacked surveillance company wrote Republican Congressman's border security talking-points Cory Doctorow
happy mutants EFF's first VR app trains you to spot surveillance devices in your community Cory Doctorow
corruption By stealing from innocents, Chicago PD amassed tens of millions in a secret black budget for surveillance gear Cory Doctorow
Business Vehicle surveillance company's "free" deal turns Texas cops into bill-collectors Cory Doctorow