Lost by a hair Martin Shkreli's request for a minimum-security federal camp is denied — he's going to prison Mark Frauenfelder
mistakes German airline Lufthansa given record $4m fine after refusing to board Jews on Frankfurt flight Rob Beschizza
politics Colleagues claim Project 2025's Kevin Roberts boasted of killing dog with shovel to stop it barking Rob Beschizza
History 1950s time capsule discovered in high school locker gap: a student's belongings preserved for decades Popkin
News Puppy-killing MAGA princess Kristi Noem costs GOP thousands in cancelled fundraiser Mark Frauenfelder
engine failure Small plane flips into "headstand" as pilot crash lands it on a Long Island beach (video) Carla Sinclair
sleep-deprivation Tired Donald Trump posts instead of sleeps, then rages right before trial — about a different trial (video) Carla Sinclair
star trek Visit the (recreated) bridge of Star Trek TNG's Enterprise-D at Santa Monica's Sci-Fi World Museum Rob Beschizza
arrests Couple gets so intoxicated on Florida beach, they pass out and lose their children (video) Carla Sinclair