May I have your attention please r/AskHistorians checks the veracity of Eminem lyrics Jason Weisberger
Boing Boing Gadgets Here's a host of bikes for 20% off guaranteed to have you ditching the gas and metro cards Boing Boing's Shop
tabloids FBI's 9/11 "cover-up" and Prince Andrew's "secret deal" in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
happy mutants Primary Sludge: "close fiction" from German utopian writer Sina Kamala Kaufmann Sina Kamala Kaufmann
happy mutants Boing Boing's own Rob Beschizza interviewed on the Cool Tools podcast Mark Frauenfelder
music THE BUREAU: Part Ten, "Your Death" — with a Turing Machine, Bouncing Ball Envelope, and Other Randomized Voltage Ethan Persoff