fake news The New Deal was partly motivated by a desire to kill the fake news epidemic of the Gilded Age Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Bell is leading the push to end Canadian Net Neutrality with a secret, extrajudicial Star Chamber that will decide what Canadians can and can't see Cory Doctorow
music Kill Rock Stars president explains why the radio plays the same songs over and over Cory Doctorow
conspiracy theories Raw milk lovers are spinning the government's H5N1 warnings into a conspiracy theory Jennifer Sandlin
covid Florida con artist and his three sons convicted after selling bleach as a cure for Covid, AIDS, autism and cancer Rob Beschizza
Alan Turing Interactive web toy transforms Turing's morphogenesis theory into digital art Mark Frauenfelder
books Cory Doctorow interviewed about cyberpunk and surveillance capitalism in The New Yorker David Pescovitz
museums The reason Arnold Schwarzenegger quoted The Terminator in the Auschwitz concentration camp museum's guestbook David Pescovitz
ancient history Egyptian mummy believed to be male priest turns out to be a pregnant female Thom Dunn
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