happy mutants Thanks to an article about why science fiction great John M Ford's books are out of print, they're coming back Cory Doctorow
Technology Anonymous investor pours millions into undersea community — "to live in the ocean, forever" Ellsworth Toohey
travel Mayor Eric Adams freezes up as a passenger verbally attacks him on a plane (video) Carla Sinclair
trump Republican state senator does deeply cringey Yoda impression on stage at Trump rally (video) David Pescovitz
MAGA logic Angry MAGA woman scolds Mike Pence to his face for "changing history" on Jan. 6 (video) Carla Sinclair
MAGA swindlers Lindsey Graham begs for money as he chokes on tears in humiliating pitch (video) Carla Sinclair
art Celebrating the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation with mixed-media meme art Gareth Branwyn