christian nationalism In video, Christian lawmaker slams Ten Commandments school bill as "un-Christian, idolatrous, exclusionary, and arrogant" Mark Frauenfelder
Republicans Marjorie Taylor Greene inexplicably shares naked photos of Hunter Biden with Congress Jason Weisberger
covid Two naked men on Sydney beach ran from a deer, got lost, then fined for breaking lockdown Carla Sinclair
uk Local council seeks additional funds for Thatcher statue to pay for a tall anti-vandal plinth Cory Doctorow
News 'Act like a lady,' Denver police tell journalist as they handcuff and detain her for photographing them Xeni Jardin
Business United insisted a passenger check her 17th C violin, then a supervisor got into a "wrestling match" with her Cory Doctorow
fake news Aliens destroyed life on Mars, now Trump's poised to do the same to Earth, in this week's tabloids Peter Sheridan
trump Trump Tower has two "privately owned public spaces" that anyone is entitled to visit Cory Doctorow