nazis Improbably, a Black activist is now the owner and leader of the "National Socialist Movement," which he is turning into an anti-racist group Cory Doctorow
books How to read Donald Duck 50 years after the CIA fomented a coup in Chile on September 11, 1973 Elías Villoro
racism #Rickyrenuncia: Bowing to popular pressure, Puerto Rican governor Ricardo Rossello has resigned Cory Doctorow
piketty After Notre Dame bailout Yellow Vests urge more Victor Hugo tributes, starting with "Les Miserables" Cory Doctorow
police Internal files reveal how US law enforcement classes anti-fascists as fascists, and actual fascists as "anti-anti-fascists" Cory Doctorow
books Paypal blacklists payments for a World Socialists pamphlet about the Iranian opposition Cory Doctorow
solidarity A generation after American "libertarians" helped with mass disappearances, torture and murder of left-wing activists, Frente Amplio surge in Chilean elections Cory Doctorow
gender In Russia, where wife-beating is legal, socialists celebrate Women's Day with feminist guerrilla "ads" Cory Doctorow