donald trump Delusional Trump compares himself to Nelson Mandela and tells supporters, "You don't have to vote" Mark Frauenfelder
twitter tantrums Donald Trump tries to pass himself off as a "brilliant young man" — and, naturally, it backfires Carla Sinclair
politics The Malcolm Effect podcast covers political thought, social movement history, pop culture, Black philosophy, and theory Elías Villoro
Robert Anton Wilson A review of Cosmic Trigger, a play based on Robert Anton Wilson's autobiography Ferdinando Buscema
Japan The CPAC replacement speaker for Milo Yiannopoulos was a notorious Japanese cult-member Cory Doctorow
politics Rob Ford's mayoral career considered as a reality TV show – straining suspension of disbelief Cory Doctorow
uk Young Oxford Conservatives leader abuses DMCA to censor reporting of his calling Mandela a "terrorist" Cory Doctorow
gender What Nelson Mandela's life tells us about the legitimacy of "democratic nations" Cory Doctorow