Nineteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars and ninety nine cents Classic Lord of the Rings toys are yours for $19,999.99 OBO Heather Johanssen
art Getty Museum posts nearly 88,000 scans of artwork with Creative Commons Zero license Rob Beschizza
amazon Amazon argues in court that "guaranteed delivery" doesn't really mean "guaranteed delivery" Mark Frauenfelder
the dysfunctional House Democratic Congressman says enough with the BS — he's resigning Carla Sinclair
books Curious and compelling filmstrip adaptation of "Brave New World" from 1974 (video) David Pescovitz
racism Dhoruba Bin Wahad was jailed for 19 years in the FBI's illegal COINTELPRO project Elías Villoro
infectious diseases Penny lick bowls served up ice cream, with a side of infectious disease Jennifer Sandlin