Science Melting sea ice forced scientists on Arctic mission to make emergency detour before safely arriving at North Pole Xeni Jardin
Boing Boing Gadgets Gift a cashmere scarf for only $15 with this early Black Friday deal (seriously) Boing Boing's Shop
sinkholes Uh-oh. Huge sinkhole swallows up Illinois soccer field — which was built over a working mine (video) Carla Sinclair
surveillance USPS nearly always lets law enforcement spy on Americans' mail without warrant Natalie Dressed
Science Astonishing image of Jupiter reveals never-before-seen wild weather phenomenon David Pescovitz
Business Beyond the Holidome: Remembering Holiday Inn's humid, moldy, fabulous indoor mini-resorts Ruben Bolling
military Train to nowhere and dead-eyed stares: my visit to the Korean demilitarized zone Mark Cerulli