chris harrison Chris Harrison steps aside from "The Bachelor" after racially insensitive interview Kevin Reome
Disney New Disney+ TOS can force ads on "ad-free" subscribers, but that's not the worst part Thom Dunn
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Funny Mystery man smashes his ride-on lawnmower into multiple mailboxes for what looks like no good reason (video) Allan Rose Hill
Tom The Dancing Bug Tom the Dancing Bug: A Calvinesque and Hobbesian look at a criminal presidency Ruben Bolling
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Weird Mr Beast rents out Giza's pyramids in possibly the most conspicuous consumption of all time Grant St. Clair
delightful creatures Doggo determined to steal treat from brother — even if eating it becomes impossible (video) Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets These PC cheat codes are my secret to never running out of ammo in Call of Duty Boing Boing's Shop
What MAGA efficiency looks like Understaffed airport — rather than absurd DEI excuse — to blame for crash, says early findings Carla Sinclair
surly cult leaders A sarcastic Trump refuses to visit Potomac River crash site: "You want me to go swimming?" (video) Carla Sinclair
gadgets This old dictation gadget was terrible at recording voices. Living ones, that is. Rob Beschizza