uk Majority of London's newly built luxury flats are unsold, raising the spectre of "posh ghost towers" Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Manhattan: a city of empty luxury condos and overflowing homeless shelters Cory Doctorow
corruption Citing the Panama Papers, Elizabeth Warren proposes sweeping anti-financial-secrecy rules Cory Doctorow
crime The bizarre story of China's most prolific bank-robbers, who stole literal tons of cash and spent it on losing lotto tickets Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Burbank! Come to an emergency City Hall meeting on 10/29 to deal with the city's eviction crisis! Cory Doctorow
Copyfight The Vessel: a perfect symbol for the grifter capitalism of New York City's privatized Hudson Yards "neighborhood" Cory Doctorow
corporate malfeasance BoA customers: "My safe deposit box is empty!" BoA: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Mark Frauenfelder
scholarship How an influential economics paper used imaginary environmental overregulation to spur low-density luxury housing Cory Doctorow
Business UK startup offers landlords continuous, deep surveillance of tenants' social media Cory Doctorow
law US Treasury Dept wants to know which offshore crimelords are buying all those NYC and Miami penthouses Cory Doctorow