black lives matter Proceeds from this "White Claws Not White Pride" shirt/mask go to Black Lives Matter Thom Dunn
kamala harris Watch MAGA senator Joni Ernst's prop fail spectacularly in cringeworthy political stunt Ellsworth Toohey
politics Pack your bags: Russia-loving Canadian family's escape from "woke" Canada backfires Mark Frauenfelder
mschf Art collective MSCHF re-stocks its WD-40 cologne and adds a new scent to its collection–"Smells like Fabuloso" Jennifer Sandlin
texas White Texan child "traumatized" by classroom photos of Black and White kids holding hands Thom Dunn
A kid painted a nice mural at her high school. Angry parents called it witchcraft and left her in tears at a "hate fest" school board meeting Rob Beschizza