Science Why forensic science is failing us — and why tonight's NOVA documentary doesn't quite cut it Maggie Koerth
fraud Breaking: Theranos CEO who ruined lives with fake blood tests doesn't enjoy prison Ellsworth Toohey
Entertainment An amazing walking and dancing animatronic dragon at Universal's upcoming Epic Universe theme park (video) Ruben Bolling
photos Book of Monsters (1914): Early macro photography of creepy crawlies by Marian and David Fairchild Popkin
public health NYC discovers amazing new rat-fighting technology called "garbage cans with lids" Ellsworth Toohey
artificial humans CEO of AI company describes an industry dangerously out of control Jason Weisberger
Technology Student says University of Washington has threatened to expel him for a course-trading app he built for class project [UPDATED] Mark Frauenfelder
Entertainment How Uruguay's answer to The Beatles shaped Latin American rock in the 1960s Ellsworth Toohey