yahoo As the end nears for Yahoo Groups, Verizon pulls out all the stops to keep archivists from preserving them Cory Doctorow
glam Yahoo Groups archivists despair as Verizon blocks their preservation efforts ahead of shutdown Cory Doctorow
Business Yahoo Groups is being prepared for shutdown, with all stored archives to be deleted on Dec 14 Cory Doctorow
tumblr Before Tumblr switched off access to NSFW blogs, it blocked archivists who were trying to preserve them Cory Doctorow
machine learning Tumblr's porn filter blocked Tumblr's images illustrating what Tumblr's porn filter won't block Cory Doctorow
politics Panic mode: Gaetz flees AG nom seconds after CNN threatens to expose teen scandal Ellsworth Toohey
machine learning AI art haters unknowingly prefer AI-generated works, according to test Ellsworth Toohey
criminal justice reform Freedom-hating Texas Attorney General sues Dallas for voter-approved measure to end pot arrests Ellsworth Toohey