zines New '90s-era American Girl twins are opposites: one makes zines, the other Y2K lists Rusty Blazenhoff
Science Senate confirms RFK Jr, also a completely preventable measles outbreak spreads in Texas Jason Weisberger
politics Britain's Chancellor Rachel Reeves fibbed on resume and was investigated over expenses at last real job Rob Beschizza
You can say that again! Kristi Noem finally gets real: "You can't trust the government anymore" (video) Carla Sinclair
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laughing stocks Karoline Leavitt is ridiculed for egg-price flub, sparking "Grocery Pump" Bluesky account Carla Sinclair
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neuroscience Scientists discover sniffing menthol protects mice from Alzheimer's disease Ellsworth Toohey
medical Man with perfect vision surprised when doctors discover a chopstick lodged behind his eye Allan Rose Hill