politics John Oliver: Britain's 14-year decline more about austerity economics than Brexit, but all of it sucked Rob Beschizza
free as in free buses French city makes its buses free, spurring new ridership and decreasing car use Clive Thompson
china China's One Child Policy coming home to roost: old people, in big cities, frightened of the sky Cory Doctorow
tories 8 years of austerity have turned the UK into a bleak Victorian dystopia, where pensioners without electricity die from fires ignited by their candles Cory Doctorow
politics Australia put an algorithm in charge of its benefits fraud detection and plunged the nation into chaos Cory Doctorow
health America's private health-care is rationed, but socialized medicine is luxury medicine Cory Doctorow
uk "Economic murder": Senior UK public health researchers say 120,000 people died under Tory austerity Cory Doctorow