Copyfight India's Council of Scientific and Industrial Research blew so much money on rubbish patents, it's gone broke Cory Doctorow
privacy Wonderful new Windows feature records everything you ever do on your computer and feeds it to AI Rob Beschizza
politics How Dr Oz duped the media into thinking paid staffer in political stunt was a distraught voter Rob Beschizza
polls Most Americans want assault rifles gone, but slight changes of wording in polls vastly influence the outcome Rob Beschizza
Business Demetrification: improving social media by removing public like/follower/repost counts Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Record label censors copyright lawyers' site by falsely claiming it infringes copyright Cory Doctorow
transparency Laramie County, Wyoming Sheriffs' department blocks public records requests for their prison phone monopoly deal Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Tesla's demon-haunted cars in Irma's path get a temporary battery-life boost Cory Doctorow
corruption Leaked FBI manual reveals agency targets innocents as informants, blackmails them into cooperating, can deport them afterwards Cory Doctorow
class war Not robots: youth unemployment caused by late retirement, driven by pension precarity Cory Doctorow
Business Plagiarism detection app vs Russia's elites: 1-2 fake PhDs discovered every day Cory Doctorow
security A perfect storm of broken business and busted FLOSS backdoors everything, so who needs the NSA? Cory Doctorow