Boing Boing Gadgets Gift a cashmere scarf for only $15 with this early Black Friday deal (seriously) Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Gadgets This cashmere shawl is the perfect stocking stuffer at under $20 Boing Boing's Shop
baltimore John Waters gets honorary degree from Baltimore university: "Remember when the scarecrow gets the brain in 'Wizard of Oz'?" Rusty Blazenhoff
movies Return to Dreamland with the superstars of John Waters' films this weekend in Baltimore David Pescovitz
Boing Boing Gadgets Your face mask is you so it better say something and maybe these 20 masks will speak to (and for) you Boing Boing's Shop
Real things you can actually buy The decapitated swan pool float is a summer must-have for total weirdos Rusty Blazenhoff
memes This psychedelic Nyan Cat art car is headed to Burning Man to dole out 'toaster pastries' and 'phat beats' Rusty Blazenhoff
happy mutants John Waters's Carsick: a memoir of hitchhiking from Baltimore to San Francisco Cory Doctorow