plutocracy Billionaire Nicole Shanahan threatens GOP senators by name: vote for RFK Jr. or "I won't play nice" (video) Carla Sinclair
elections America for sale: 38% of all election funding comes from 0.0001% of Americans (2,210 people account for 25% of the total) Cory Doctorow
law A data-driven look at the devastating efficacy of a far-right judge-education program Cory Doctorow
class war Paul Ryan imagines "Cindy," a hypothetical beneficiary of his tax plan, doesn't realize she and her child are starving to death Cory Doctorow
videos Wall Street and Trump are about to kill the CFPB, the only government agency that effectively polices bank scams, crimes and frauds Cory Doctorow
trumpism The 0.2% of Americans exempted by the GOP estate-tax plan (including the Trump cabinet) have never paid tax on their millions and never will Cory Doctorow
politics Economic recovery in the US actually made 99% of Americans poorer, top 1% captured 121% of gains Cory Doctorow
politics Canadian Conservative govt guts protections for 99+% of waterways, spare handful of lakes with high-cost cottages Cory Doctorow
politics St Paul's Cathedral drops eviction effort against OccupyLondon; almighty Corporation of London plows ahead Cory Doctorow
economics Nobel-winning economist Joe Stiglitz on how the US economy became a "rigged, inherited plutocracy" and how to fix it Cory Doctorow
Business The Trump-funding, democracy-denying, Gawker-destroying Peter Thiel is finally no longer involved with Y Combinator Cory Doctorow
Business CEOs quit Trump: The 1% can't win elections unless the 99% turkeys vote for Christmas Cory Doctorow
politics Joseph Gordon-Levitt wants YOU to support Mayday.US and fight Congressional corruption Cory Doctorow
Business Goldman Sachs bankers ready themselves to kill peasants in the inevitable uprising Cory Doctorow