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Boing Boing Gadgets These fun party card games are a great way to learn what makes your friends blush with embarrassment Boing Boing's Shop
scotus Here is what Trump's SCOTUS picks said about Roe V. Wade before they became justices Carla Sinclair
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Jen Psaki Jen Psaki toys with Newsmax reporter when he asks a dumb "private memo" question Carla Sinclair
tabloids Princess Diana exhumed, satanism & Mariah Carey, and the White House's China gamble, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
tabletop gaming My favorite new game, KnifeTank: The Shüffling, is now on Kickstarter Gareth Branwyn
tabloids Royal brawl in palace, Brad & Jen's reunion, and 2020 predictions in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
tabletop games Shadows: Amsterdam – a game where you guess what the other people are guessing about ambiguous pictures Jon Seagull