mental health Self-proclaimed Sith Lord arrested for trying to assassinate Queen of England Thom Dunn
racism Tucker Carlson's college yearbook says he was part of the "Dan White Society." Dan White murdered Harvey Milk in 1978 Mark Frauenfelder
qanon McCarthy-backed candidate has appeared on anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist's podcast six times Mark Frauenfelder
crime London cop jailed over Nazi gang membership, terror literature and "hand-drawn" child smut Rob Beschizza
assassinations US veterans operate in Yemen as mercenary assassins for Middle Eastern autocrats Cory Doctorow
elections Mexican election: saturation robo-calls spreading disinformation about Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Cory Doctorow
News "Highly Likely" Russia behind poisoning of ex-spy Sergei Skripal & daughter, British PM Theresa May says Xeni Jardin
happy mutants New York 2140: Kim Stanley Robinson dreams vivid about weathering climate crisis Cory Doctorow
security On whistleblowers and secrecy: What author Barry Eisler said to a room of ex-intelligence officers Barry Eisler
History My favorite history comic books, by Max Brooks, author of the Zombie Survival Guide Max Brooks