maga Democrat moves to impeach Biden — a brilliant gotcha moment that stuns MAGA into silence (video) Carla Sinclair
ron desantis Watch DeSantis's bizarre bobblehead-like response to reporter's question Mark Frauenfelder
political theater Rep. Lauren Boebert did her dummy dance on the Floor until Rep. Jamie Raskin brilliantly stepped in (video) Carla Sinclair
politics Marjorie Taylor Greene refuses to credit her MAGA pals for last week's Speaker deal (video) Carla Sinclair
politics As Kevin McCarthy fails yet again today, SC Congressman admits: "We don't have an exit strategy" Carla Sinclair
florida Ron DeSantis pretends he's a dogfighting military pilot in a most cringeworthy ad (video) Carla Sinclair
madison cawthorn Watch weird Madison Cawthorn declare "Madam speaker, you are not God!" in over-the-top mask protest Carla Sinclair
late stage capitalism This holiday season, do yourself a favor and (re)watch Reverend Billy's "What Would Jesus Buy?" Jennifer Sandlin
politics Comedians aren't constrained by cancel culture; they are freer today than ever Ruben Bolling