trumpism How to think critically about news quotes from unnamed "government sources" under trumpism Cory Doctorow
trumpism The Internet Archive's Trump Archive will ensure that Trump's U-turns and lies can always be challenged Cory Doctorow
politics Blue feed, red feed: side-by-side comparisons of social media feeds by politics Andrea James
politics New book reveals why MAGA cult adores Trump: he's "openly corrupt, a liar, racist, and sadistic" Mark Frauenfelder
fascism MAGA man says he would vote for Trump even if he was smoking crack with Hunter Biden Mark Frauenfelder
Georgia Guidestones If you're like me and can't get enough of the Georgia Guidestones, here are a couple of new resources to occupy your time Jennifer Sandlin
fascists GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik lies again: "Pelosi bears responsibility for the tragedy that occurred on January 6" Mark Frauenfelder
media New York Post reporter admits she was ordered to write false story about Kamala books being given to migrant kids Rob Beschizza
happy mutants Coming to Europe: a lecture tour with Garnet "Disobedient Electronics" Hertz Cory Doctorow
elections Breitbart was a unique driver of hyper-partisan, trumpist news that shifted the 2016 election Cory Doctorow
politics Global trumpism: how India's brutal leader manufactures reality with trumped-up "polls" Cory Doctorow