Proud to be an American While attempting to take a selfie, an American tourist fell into Mt. Vesuvius crater Jason Weisberger
Proud to be an American Colorado's pride, GQP Rep. Lauren Boebert tells racist jokes about a colleague Jason Weisberger
Entertainment David Lynch forever changed my life: A filmmaker's tribute to cinema's greatest dreamer Case Esparros
agriculture Only in Alabama: the town that built a monument to the insect pest that destroyed It Ellsworth Toohey
donald trump Schwarzenegger endorses Harris: "I will always be an American before I am a Republican" Mark Frauenfelder
native americans Idaho senator from Illinois screams at Native American from Idaho: "go back where you came from" Ellsworth Toohey
Pence says he won't vote for Trump, not because he wanted Pence hanged, but because Trump's not conservative enough Mark Frauenfelder
Republicans against trump B'Bye Trump! Many in GOP — including former Trump staffers — join "Republicans for Harris" Carla Sinclair
the anti-trump republican movement GOP's Adam Kinzinger endorses President Biden — 1 day after huge loss for Trump-picked candidates (video) Carla Sinclair
News McDonald's loses Big Mac trademark after bullying tactics against upstart rival backfire Mark Frauenfelder