drugs FDA approves J&J's patented psychedelic esketamine for depression without requiring you take other antidepressants with it Allan Rose Hill
drugs Police seize tons of illegal "love honey," a natural aphrodisiac that's far from natural Allan Rose Hill
drugs The first-ever patient in a Phase 3 medical study of LSD has successfully tripped balls Allan Rose Hill
politics California governor Gavin Newsom vetoes decriminalization of psychedelics and ban on caste discrimination Rob Beschizza
Funny Does smoking a cigarette through a rotten green pepper deliver a psychedelic experience? David Pescovitz
psychedelics Man takes a drug-free "psychedelic trip" and is pleasantly surprised to discover it doesn't suck Mark Frauenfelder
grifters Grifters "befriend" Malibu doctor, pretend to be caregivers, give him LSD, and steal $3 million Carla Sinclair