DRONE Cool drone footage of the Great Pyramid of Giza that starts at the tippy top and widens out Rusty Blazenhoff
Weird Mr Beast rents out Giza's pyramids in possibly the most conspicuous consumption of all time Grant St. Clair
books Punk programmers and queer hackers expose Reagan-era tech corruption in Cory Doctorow's new novel, on Kickstarter now Mark Frauenfelder
music Wonderful cover of New Order's "Blue Monday" played on vintage Casio instruments (video) Allan Rose Hill
archaeology Archaeologist braves the Joe Rogan podcast to counter Graham Hancock's nonsense Jennifer Sandlin
california World's tallest man towers over shortest woman in California reunion (video) Mark Frauenfelder
vladimir putin New Age conspiracy theorist praises Putin and Tucker Carlson's charge against the Satanic Cabal Jennifer Sandlin
late stage capitalism Multi-level Marketing scheme "disguised as an advocacy organization" draws criticism Jennifer Sandlin
tabloids JFK's second gunman, and alien life on Earth, exposed in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
death Mohamed Al-Fayed, billionaire ex-owner of Harrods who feuded with royal family, dead at 94 Rob Beschizza
maga Prankster infiltrates MAGA march, claims Black Lives Matter wants to ban Oreo cookies Mark Frauenfelder