qanon Lin Wood is mad at Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Empty Gee, Michael Flynn, and QAnon leaders are calling for bloodshed Mark Frauenfelder
qanon History teacher recorded telling kids Trump is still our president (and other Q-nut lies), still has her job Carla Sinclair
qanon QAnoners are envious that Gabby Petito news has pushed their Biden conspiracies from media coverage Mark Frauenfelder
qanon Watch this montage of Qnut madness at school board meetings in America for a good scare Carla Sinclair
qanon Qanon surf instructor said he killed his children because they had "serpent DNA" Mark Frauenfelder
qanon Check out the sad and scary interviews with Qanoners at the "God and Country Patriot Roundup" Mark Frauenfelder