adjudicated rapists Donald Trump tells his biggest whopper yet: "I'm the one who gives women safety" (video) Carla Sinclair
foul evidence "Bad Breath Rapist" — a 16 year fugitive — finally caught after officers got a whiff of his "horrible" stench Carla Sinclair
Disgraced producers Harvey Weinstein catches a lucky break: his 2020 rape conviction was overturned Carla Sinclair
crime Ontario cop convicted of drug trafficking and raping an unconscious woman still has his $120k-a-year job and has been on paid leave for 8 years Rob Beschizza
Sex All feminists want to be raped, says Red Pill Reddit thread boss. Is he New Hampshire State Rep. Robert Fisher? Xeni Jardin
youtube Have you seen Judd Apatow channel noted serial rapist Bill Cosby? Watch this video. Xeni Jardin
public health Homeopathic Berlin Wall Pills made from its pulverized concrete "treat" loneliness, isolation, and oppression Jennifer Sandlin