gadgets This old dictation gadget was terrible at recording voices. Living ones, that is. Rob Beschizza
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urban legends "What the f*ck is this place?" The mystery of the bridal store that hasn't opened its doors for two decades Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Shop This 4K drone with four way anti-collision is yours for $69 this Memorial Day Boing Boing's Shop
music Steve Albini's incendiary final album with Shellac is his Bowie "Blackstar" Lux Sparks-Pescovitz
music Frank Turner tries to break the world record for most concerts performed in different cities in 24 hours Thom Dunn
interview Interview with Case Esparros, independent filmmaker and director of "The Absence of Milk in the Mouths of the Lost" Natalie Dressed
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