brock turner Brock Turner goes viral (again) as women on social media warn others of his whereabouts Carla Sinclair
Registered sex offenders Jeffrey Epstein, rich sex offender, pays to keep teen victims from testifying Mark Frauenfelder
Registered sex offenders Child sex offenders must now identify as sex offender on US passports Carla Sinclair
law Convicted rapist facing child sex charge kills 5 teens at sleepover, his wife, and himself Rob Beschizza
#fixthepolice Police Chief says 12-year-old girls who take nude selfies are "guilty" Mark Frauenfelder
Action New Orleans cops use ancient "unnatural copulation" law to turn prostitutes into sex-offenders Cory Doctorow
Civlib Women may lose house for sex while she was a high school student 12 years ago Mark Frauenfelder