plutocracy Billionaire Nicole Shanahan threatens GOP senators by name: vote for RFK Jr. or "I won't play nice" (video) Carla Sinclair
deaths Kentucky state senator dies after plunging into empty swimming pool on lawnmower Carla Sinclair
native americans Idaho senator from Illinois screams at Native American from Idaho: "go back where you came from" Ellsworth Toohey
politics N.C. governor candidate and "Black Nazi" Mark Robinson treated for burns after touching truck exhaust pipe Rob Beschizza
Trump-endorsed losers Trump's beloved Mark "Black Nazi" Robinson loses top campaign staffers Carla Sinclair
politics MAGA man Mark Robinson wrote that Mein Kampf was a "good read" and "a real eye opener" Rob Beschizza
staunch anti-Trump republicans Liz Cheney makes stunning announcement: "I will be voting for Kamala Harris" (video) Carla Sinclair
"Not Going Back" Ouch! Harris keeps surging ahead of Trump — up 8 points in latest poll Carla Sinclair
running scared Oops! JD Vance privately reveals Trump's fear of Harris — Biden dropping out was "sucker punch" (audio) Carla Sinclair
elections Side-by-side clips of Biden and Trump speeches show we have only 1 choice in November (video) Carla Sinclair
the anti-trump republican movement GOP's Adam Kinzinger endorses President Biden — 1 day after huge loss for Trump-picked candidates (video) Carla Sinclair